A talk on Statistical Mirror Symmetry

Over the weekend (August 12-14, 2023), Huitao Fang, Kefeng Liu, Hiroshi Matsuzoe and Jun Zhang organized the fourth edition of the Symposium on Information Geometry and Affine Differential Geometry (IGADG IV). While I was unable to travel to Chongqing to attend in person, I gave a remote lecture on Statistical Mirror Symmetry. It was particularly nice because Fangyang Zheng is now at Chongqing Normal University so both my advisor (Fangyang) and postdoc mentor (Jun) were there for the talk.

In order to prepare, I decided to record myself giving the talk. This was my first time recording a lecture in a single take and it was definitely a challenge to multi-task between reading my notes, clicking through slides and trying to speak clearly. Although there are a few hiccups here and there, I’m reasonably happy with how it turned out and it was really good practice for giving the actual talk.

As a disclaimer, there were a number of experts in complex differential geometry in the audience, so when I started to discuss complex geometry I assumed that the audience was familiar with Kähler geometry. But hopefully the first third of the talk is reasonably accessible even without that background. I hope you enjoy the talk and please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

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